study plan

devops를 해보자.



  1. region , available zone , edge location
  2. EC2
  3. Security Group - firewall
  4. elastic ip
  5. ec2 login
  6. ami
  7. cloud watch
  8. s3
  9. cloud front (cdn)
  10. RDB ( mysql , posgreql ,auroa)
  11. snapshot
  12. replication
  13. elastic cache - redis
  14. iam
  15. route 53 (도메인)
  16. elb
  17. auto scaling
  18. vpc (virtual network)
  19. Glacier - storage
  20. CloudFormation
  21. SNS , Email
  22. SQS - que
  23. aws cli


  1. docker
  2. swarm
  3. k8s
  4. docker on aws


  1. jenkins iis or nginx
  2. ci/cd with docker (teamcity)

clean archtect

  • c# restful api and angular 6 frontend
  • domain driven 개발
  • use case driven 개발
  • TDD
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2018-09-20 00:00

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